Both Masks and Shadows have been turned into audiobooks by Recorded Books. Both books are narrated by Elizabeth Morton. Click on the cover images below to go to to purchase the audiobooks. You can also listen to samples of each!
Tag: Shadows
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Nov 09
The Qwillery calls Shadows “an excellent sequel”
Reviewer Brannigan at The Qwillery (who also liked Masks) praises Shadows: “E.C. Blake provides an excellent sequel in Shadows…Blake does a great job of building on the foundations he laid in the first book when it comes to both the magical system and world building…Anyone who liked Masks needs to read this book. Fans of realistic heroines will …
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Oct 23
Here’s the cover art for Faces!
Just got this from DAW Books today: it’s the cover art for Faces, Book 3 in my Masks of Aygrima trilogy. It builds on the previous two covers and reveals, appropriately enough, Mara’s face for the first time. I like it a lot! How about you? Like the first two covers, this one is by Paul Young. The paperback of Masks will be …
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Sep 10
Night Owl Reviews calls Shadows “a world filled with magic and special people”
Four stars for Shadows from Pamela Robinson at Night Owl Reviews, who, interestingly, had not read Masks–though she intends to go back and do so now! In Shadows, by E.C. Blake, I found a world filled with magic and special people. Mara Holdfast is an intriguing main character. The author weaves a journey for her …
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Aug 17
Four stars for Shadows from Addicted 2 Heroines
Addicted 2 Heroines, which liked Masks, likes Shadows, too! Reviewer Cat writes: “…I devoured this story. I was hanging on to every word, fascinated by Mara’s predicament with the Autarch and the darkness that threatened to consume her…New alliances were formed, old alliances broken, and the love triangle that began in Masks found a resolution that the …
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Aug 17
Not Yet Read says Shadows “more action-packed and fast-moving” than Masks!
Tabitha at Not Yet Read reviews Shadows, and likes what she sees, calling it “more action-packed and fast moving that the first.” Mara has had a lot of harsh growing up to do for her young 15 years…I love how much she has grown in this book from the start to finish. She is such …
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Aug 06
Book giveaway! Enter for an autographed copy of Shadows!
With the release of Shadows, it’s time for a book giveaway! All you have to do to enter is leave a comment below. At the end of next week (August 16) I’ll draw one name and that lucky winner will receive an autographed copy of Shadows, absolutely free. Please share with anyone you think might …
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Aug 06
Crystal Book Reviews: Shadows “sure to delight every fan of fantasy”
Another good review for Shadows, over at Crystal Book Reviews: “Adventure, battles, scenes of devastating power and ruthlessness, mistakes galore, kindness, compassion, love, and so much more fill these pages which will be sure to delight every fan of fantasy, science fiction, adventure, thrillers and mysteries!” Read the whole thing.
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