Two new reviews of Blue Fire, my stand-along young-adult fantasy penned as E.C. Blake and published by Shadowpaw Press, came along within twenty-four hours of each other this week, and both were very positive! Aurealis Magazine is a long-running Australian science-fiction magazine. Writing in Issue #141, reviewer Clare Rhoden says, in part: “This novel reads immersively because of …
Tag: reviews
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Aug 01
Publishers Weekly & Booklist praise Master of the World
Master of the World, my next Edward Willett novel, second in my Worldshapers series for DAW Books, is getting some nice reviews leading up to its release on September 10. The first review was from Publishers Weekly, and it’s a good one (not starred, like the review for Book 1, Worldshaper, but still great): “In 2018’s Worldshaper, Shawna Keys discovered …
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Aug 20
Publishers Weekly gives my new novel Worldshaper a STARRED review, calls it a “rollicking” contemporary fantasy
Publishers Weekly, the bible of the publishing industry, has given a STARRED review to upcoming novel Worldshaper, Book 1 in my new Worldshapers series for DAW Books, written as Edward Willett. Highlights: “This rollicking secondary-world contemporary fantasy opens with a bang…(the characters) grapple with the ethics of changing the world, the question of what makes people ‘real’ …
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Jul 19
Five-star review for my poetry collection I Tumble Through the Diamond Dust
Jim Bennett, who reviews poetry for KBR (The Kindle Book Review)and is himself a poet, liked I Tumble Through the Diamond Dust (my collection of science fiction and fantasy poetry, written as Edward Willett) rather a lot, giving it five out of five stars: “Willett writes speculative fiction, so these poems are unusual. They are also …
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Jul 23
Faces makes it official–I have committed trilogy
Although I’m still waiting for the bulk of my author’s copies of Faces (which is why the top three winners in my giveaway haven’t received their books yet), Faces has officially hit bookshelves and is available for order through your local bookstores (if they don’t have it in stock) or online at,, Indigo, …
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Nov 09
The Qwillery calls Shadows “an excellent sequel”
Reviewer Brannigan at The Qwillery (who also liked Masks) praises Shadows: “E.C. Blake provides an excellent sequel in Shadows…Blake does a great job of building on the foundations he laid in the first book when it comes to both the magical system and world building…Anyone who liked Masks needs to read this book. Fans of realistic heroines will …
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Sep 10
Night Owl Reviews calls Shadows “a world filled with magic and special people”
Four stars for Shadows from Pamela Robinson at Night Owl Reviews, who, interestingly, had not read Masks–though she intends to go back and do so now! In Shadows, by E.C. Blake, I found a world filled with magic and special people. Mara Holdfast is an intriguing main character. The author weaves a journey for her …
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Aug 26
Masks “a great-page turner and a fantastic start to an exciting new series”
T.E.J. Johnson gives a rousing review to Masks: “The novel is fast paced and Mara gets herself in and out of a million-tangles as she falls from a high-born Aygriman citizen, to concentration-camp prisoner to unmasked rebel…I would thoroughly recommend this novel; it is a great page-turner and a fantastic start to an exciting new …
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Aug 17
Quill & Quire likes second book in my Shards of Excalibur YA series
Quill & Quire, “Canada’s Magazine of Book News and Reviews,” gives Twist of the Blade, the second book in my Edward Willett-penned YA fantasy series The Shards of Excalibur, a great review (Q&Q liked Song of the Sword, too, in its original version): Regina-based author Edward Willet offers a satisfying second instalment in his Shards of Excalibur …
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