Early this morning I sent off Faces, Book 3 in The Masks of Aygrima, to Sheila Gilbert, my editor (and co-publisher with Betsy Wollheim) at DAW Books. I’m quite pleased with it–I hope she is, too! We’ll be discussing it at World Fantasy Convention in Washington, D.C., early in November. After which I’ll be plunging …
Tag: books
Permanent link to this article: https://www.ecblake.com/2014/10/faces-book-3-in-the-masks-of-aygrima-submitted-to-daw/
Mar 08
Book Giveaway Week 4: enter to win any book I’ve written, get download of The Chosen for free!
And so we move on to Week 4 of the Great Book Giveaway of 2014. I had an even dozen entrants last week, each of whom received a free download of my YA ghost story The Haunted Horn. The winner was David, who commented on a post on my E.C. Blake Facebook page. This week, …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.ecblake.com/2014/03/book-giveaway-week-4-enter-to-win-any-book-ive-written-get-download-of-the-chosen-for-free/
Mar 01
Week 3: Another chance to win a free print book, and a free ebook to all entrants!
And so we plunge ahead to Week 3 of my weekly book giveaway. Same terms for entering: just leave a comment on this blog, or reply to the post I’ll put up on my E.C. Blake fanpage on Facebook or RT one of the Tweets I’ll be posting about the contest on Twitter @AuthorECBlake. Last …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.ecblake.com/2014/03/week-3-another-chance-to-win-a-free-print-book-and-a-free-ebook-to-all-entrants/
Mar 01
Week 2 book giveaway winner!
This week’s winner of a free book through my ongoing contest is Levi, who left a comment on this blog. Can’t tell you where he lives yet, since I don’t have a mailing address, and I don’t yet know which book he’ll choose. Last week’s winner, who turned out to be from Edmonton, took a …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.ecblake.com/2014/03/week-2-book-giveaway-winner/
Feb 15
Announcing a new weekly book giveaway contest
So, here’s the thing. In my secret identity as Edward Willett I’ve got a lot of books cluttering up my basement, because every time I have a book published, I get author’s copies, and I’ve also bought up or simply received stock of books going out of print. Lots and lots of books. I don’t …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.ecblake.com/2014/02/announcing-a-new-weekly-book-giveaway-contest/
Sep 14
Penguin promotional video for Masks hits YouTube!
This just got posted today by the Penguin publicity people (trying saying that three times fast). It was shot when I was at the DAW offices in New York back in January…
Permanent link to this article: https://www.ecblake.com/2013/09/penguin-promotional-video-for-masks-hits-youtube/
Aug 04
Early blog-review of Masks offers praise
Masks,Blogger Kari Lynn Mackey, who picked up an ARC of Masks through Goodreads, reviews the book and offers some kind words: Aygrima, the fantasy world in which Masks is set, is carefully crafted with backstory and geographical descriptions that gives the land a life of its own. These features almost beg for fan fiction to …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.ecblake.com/2013/08/early-blog-review-of-masks-offers-praise/
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