Within this box of glowing white I type, in pixels black, These words. I try to get them right, Yet still I feel they lack A certain something. Yeats I’m not Nor am I Keats or Austen. My forte, I would say, is plot: This scansion is exhausten’. And so, although ’tis poetry This month …
Tag: National Poetry Month
Permanent link to this article: https://www.ecblake.com/2014/04/in-honour-of-national-poetry-month-2-within-this-box-of-glowing-white/
Apr 02
In Honor of National Poetry Month 1: I Tweet, Therefore I Rhyme
I TWEET, THEREFORE I RHYME Being a Twitterpoem cycle in honour of National Poetry Month 2014, with each stanza set off with pretentious Roman numerals, just because it’s more poetic that way I In characters, 140 sum, I must Tweet out my heart, So that, for National Poetry Month, I will have done my part. …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.ecblake.com/2014/04/in-honor-of-national-poetry-month-1-i-tweet-therefore-i-rhyme/
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