Twist of the Blade web page goes live at Coteau Books

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Twist fo the Blade CoverCoteau Books has a great website with pages for all of their books…and the page for Book 2 of my Edward Willett-penned YA fantasy series The Shards of ExcaliburTwist of the Blade, is now live! You can download a high-res version of the cover art and pre-order the print or ebook version right from that page.

Here’s the description:

Having saved the first Shard of the sword Excalibur from internet mogul Rex Major (aka Merlin), Ariane and Wally are on the lookout for the second. Wally’s worried that the power of the first Shard is already changing Ariane, giving her the strength to do both good and evil…and when she seriously hurts his bullying sister Flish, it seems he might be right.

Twist of the Blade releases to the public on September 15…just in time for my appearance at Word on the Street in Saskatoon! And, of course, just six weeks after the release of Shadows, Book 2 in the Masks of Aygrima.

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