Neil from Saskatoon was the winner of last week’s book giveaway. Now it’s time to start Week 7.
The rules remain the same. Simply comment on this post, reply to one of the posts I’ll put on Facebook on both my Edward Willett and E.C. Blake pages, or reTweet one of the Tweets I’ll post on Twitter @AuthorECBlake, @ewillett, and @LeeArthurChane. Next Saturday I’ll tally up all the entries, do a draw, and I’ll send the winner the book of his choice from this list (with a couple of exceptions–I don’t have copies of absolutely everything). Fiction or non-fiction, his/her choice!
This week every entrant receives an ebook version (I’ll send mobi, epub and PDF files) of my short story “Je Me Souviens.”
“This quiet story was laced with melancholy and full of dignity.” — Greg Beatty, Tangent Online
“…the most overtly spiritual of the issue’s septet of stories and also the most lyrically written…a commendable tale, quite effective in showing both the subjectivity of progress and the sad, ultimate ethereality of tradition.” — Daniel E. Blackston, Firebrand Fiction Reviews,
So, to recap, enter to win a free book, and receive a great short story. What have you got to lose?
I didn’t realize E.C. Blake was bilingual.
He’s not, but he can read Quebec license plates!