A little while ago I gave a talk at the offices of the Saskatchewan Writers Guild for the Saskatchewan chapter of CANSCAIP, the Canadian Society of Children’s Authors, Illustrators and Performers (that’s their logo at left). This is more or less what I said. I didn’t start out as a writer. Like most writers, I started out as a reader. My parents …
Tag: writing advice
Permanent link to this article: http://www.ecblake.com/2016/08/how-to-write-young-adult-fantasy-more-story-less-pretentiousness/
Oct 20
Great video about the best genre literary conference anywhere: When Words Collide
Here’s a great video about the best genre literary convention in North America and probably the world: Calgary’s When Words Collide. If you’re interested in writing, you owe it to yourself to get to When Words Collide. My “other” name (Edward Willett) gets mentioned about halfway through this video as an example of the kinds …
Permanent link to this article: http://www.ecblake.com/2014/10/great-video-about-the-best-genre-literary-conference-anywhere-when-words-collide/
Feb 14
Reality in fantasy
Every two months I write a column (as Edward Willett) for the Saskatchewan Writers Guild‘s magazine Freelance. Here’s the latest, on grounding your fantasy fiction in reality. *** When someone writes a hardboiled police procedural novel, we expect it to adhere to correct police procedures in the city in which it is set. When someone …
Permanent link to this article: http://www.ecblake.com/2014/02/reality-in-fantasy/
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