I’m pleased to announce that Master of the World, Book 2 in my Worldshapers series from DAW Books (written as Edward Willett), has been named to the longlist of the Sunburst Award for Excellence in Canadian Literature of the Fantastic. Master of the World is on the list in the Young Adult Fiction category, the same category Worldshaper was longlisted in …
Tag: Worldshaper
Permanent link to this article: http://www.ecblake.com/2020/06/master-of-the-world-longlisted-for-sunburst-award-in-ya-fiction/
Aug 01
Publishers Weekly & Booklist praise Master of the World
Master of the World, my next Edward Willett novel, second in my Worldshapers series for DAW Books, is getting some nice reviews leading up to its release on September 10. The first review was from Publishers Weekly, and it’s a good one (not starred, like the review for Book 1, Worldshaper, but still great): “In 2018’s Worldshaper, Shawna Keys discovered …
Permanent link to this article: http://www.ecblake.com/2019/08/publishers-weekly-booklist-praise-master-of-the-world/
Jun 17
My Edward Willett novel Worldshaper long-listed for Sunburst Award for best young-adult novel
My Edward Willett-bylined novel Worldshaper (DAW Books) has been long-listed for this years Sunburst Award for Excellence in Canadian Literature of the Fantastic, in the Young Adult Fiction category. (A bit of a surprise since it wasn’t published as YA, but much like Masks, it’s YA-friendly.) I’m very pleased! The full press release listing all the long-listed …
Permanent link to this article: http://www.ecblake.com/2019/06/my-edward-willett-novel-worldshaper-long-listed-for-sunburst-award-for-best-young-adult-novel/
Apr 17
Here’s what I have eligible for the Aurora Awards
Nominations are now open for the Aurora Awards, which honour the best in Canadian science fiction and fantasy each year. As Edward Willett, I’ve been shortlisted several times over the years and won the award for Best Long Form Work in English for Marseguro (DAW Books) in 2009, Any Canadian citizen or permanent resident is eligible to nominate …
Permanent link to this article: http://www.ecblake.com/2019/04/heres-what-i-have-eligible-for-the-aurora-awards/
Apr 16
Read the first two chapters of Worldshapers Book 2: Master of the World
Master of the World, Book 2 of my Worldshapers series, doesn’t come out until September, but you can get a sneak peek right now: over on my Edward Willett website, I’ve posted the first two chapters (with the caveat that final copyediting and page proofing has not yet been done, so there might be some differences between these …
Permanent link to this article: http://www.ecblake.com/2019/04/read-the-first-two-chapters-of-worldshapers-book-2-master-of-the-world/
Feb 23
Cover art for Worldshapers Book 2: Master of the World
I’ve turned in the manuscript for Book 2 in my Edward Willett-penned series Worldshapers to DAW Books (publishers of The Masks of Aygrima), and the cover art is already out and about on bookstore sites everywhere. Pretty cool, huh? Like the art for Worldshaper, Book 1 in the series, it’s by Julia Kolesova. Here’s the …
Permanent link to this article: http://www.ecblake.com/2019/02/cover-art-for-worldshapers-book-2-master-of-the-world/
Aug 20
Publishers Weekly gives my new novel Worldshaper a STARRED review, calls it a “rollicking” contemporary fantasy
Publishers Weekly, the bible of the publishing industry, has given a STARRED review to upcoming novel Worldshaper, Book 1 in my new Worldshapers series for DAW Books, written as Edward Willett. Highlights: “This rollicking secondary-world contemporary fantasy opens with a bang…(the characters) grapple with the ethics of changing the world, the question of what makes people ‘real’ …
Permanent link to this article: http://www.ecblake.com/2018/08/publishers-weekly-calls-my-new-novel-worldshaper-a-rollicking-contemporary-fantasy/
Mar 31
Cover art reveal: my next DAW novel, Worldshaper
Amazon U.S. | Amazon Canada | Indigo | Barnes & Noble | Penguin Random House Worldshaper (written as Edward Willett) will be my ninth novel for DAW Books, coming out September 18 in hardcover and ebook. It’s the start of a new series called Worldshapers. The artwork is by Juliana Kolesova, who happens to also be …
Permanent link to this article: http://www.ecblake.com/2018/03/cover-art-reveal-my-next-daw-novel-worldshaper/
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